Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Ballad of Quick Pun Muruggan... yu can't spoof a spoof aiyee sayee!

The Ballad of Quick Pun Muruggan (Please recite this with total tamil agscent-a)

Haiee... ! Mai naime ees Qeek Gun Muruggan i saiy... mined eet!
If yu're looking for humour een maiee moovhee, in many scenes yu may fined eet!
In some parts, aiee weel scoop out littul of yar braine and grind eet!
Mai naime ees Quik Gun Muruggan i saiy... mined eet!

I sayee yeggain, mai naime ees Queek Gun Muruggan, aaiee yam south indiyan coubwuoy... mined eet!
I let yeverywunn live in peace-a, i woodunt mined a little piece maiself-a for a twirl...
I got good chanzes with that bouncy babe-a Mango Dolly, eggcept for mai love of mai life-a, Locket Gurl
Who, if she beecums suspeeshus, will take an important body part and grind eet!

"The earth is my bed-da... The sky is my ceiling-a... The whole world is my naieeteeve plaice!"
I laou my vegetarian dosa and mai punjabi samosa but aiee hate aall animal killurs and eaters
Like this villyainous Gunpowder-a, whom i will grind into chowder-a
Cos he vants to convert aall veggie licker bars into non-veggie wuns... yana rascal-a!

"If you are lightning, I am 250 volt current..."
That is what aaie yam tailling yeggain and yeggain to some villyain
This one his name is MBA Rowdy, he kidnaps all Mummies, and I find that abhorrent
Cos he wants the laou of a Mummy in a dosa recipe, aaie yam tailling yeggain and yeggain he is big villyain!

So aiee pumb him with bullets-a and he spills out his guts-a and dies a painful death
But there is wun more big villyain, a veddy big villyain, i vant to see him take his last breath
When I think of him-a, getting jolly... with my fantasy gurl Mango Dolly, I get veddy veddy heddy
Ooiee Maa, I hate that villyain, that veddy veddy big villyain, who goes by the name of Rice Plate Reddy!

That villyain killed my loving Anna and kidnapped my Anni, all for laou of McDosa
He even killed mee laang ago, with a bullet in my heart-a, have yu seen anything mo' grosse-a?
But by graice aaf Gaad and creativity aaf scriptwriter aaiee yam yalive yeggain, kuch nahin bhula
To get maiee revenge-a on that heddy villyain-a and all those dabba-wallahs-a who wanted to do maiee dabba gul-a!

Yand finally-a, i reload my six-guns-a, yand with littul help from my fantasy gurl-a the jolly Dolly
The wun with that great ches... errr... yattityude, she has earned maiee yeverlasting grattityude
We go fourth to get Reddy, that veddy veddy big villyain Rice Plate Reddy.. the wun with the McDosa
Yand i pumb him with bullets, till i run out of bullets and wished i had some mo' sar!

Yand thus yends a tale, a veddy spoofy tale, of the lovable Quick Gun Murugan...
Yand yu cant spoof a spoof, cos a spoof is a spoof, which even that spoofy critic Lala knows,
So come watch me in the moovhee, quite a funny moovhee, lots of humour an' silly wit if yu can fined eet,
Ask Lala, if yu dont believe me, cos i saw him grinning like an idiot throughout my moovhee,
And all yu rascal-a villyains out there had better mined eet!

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